Paste Torrent URL and Try Now
When it comes to downloading content from a torrent site, let’s be honest, you need to protect your IP from exposure. In our Torrent Safe review, will look at one of the leading torrent download IP protectors in the game. Torrent Safe is one of our best VPNs, but its focus is purely on the torrent download protection experience.
If you want to download torrents safely and securely, read the rest of our Torrent Safe review.
Torrent Safe Review: The Basics
Torrent Safe markets itself as an easy and safe way to protect your data while downloading content on torrent sites. As we all well know, torrent sites undoubtedly present unique and risky challenges. Torrent Safe serves to help mitigate those risks by acting as a VPN middle man.
Torrent Safe doesn’t require that you register or download a thing. That’s part of the beauty in it. You don’t turn over your information in the process, which automatically lowers your risk level.
Unlike our other top VPN solutions, Torrent Safe isn’t for surfing the web. In fact, Torrent Safe would work best in addition to a VPN. The logic being, you need to surf the web yourself in order to find the link to the torrent download you desire.
Think of it like this.
You find a download URL on the web. You right-click, select “copy url,” then paste that url into Torrent Safe’s anonymizer form. When you do this, you’re IP is out of the mix completely. The download is now run directly through Torrent Safe, which acts as a layer of protection between you and a potentially nefarious torrent site.
The only way your IP is exposed is if you click the link directly. And that’s the rub. If you bump the wrong part of your mouse, it can happen. It’s up to you to create good torrent download habits and prevent such mistakes. Torrent Safe can only carry you so far, it’s up to you to use the web correctly.
The Torrent Safe interface has a “my downloads” section. Once the download is complete, you can choose to download the content to your hard drive, or, stream it (see next section).
Torrent Safe Isn’t a Primary VPN
Unlike the rest of our best VPN list, Torrent Safe isn’t for fully surfing the web. It’s for torrent download protection. If you have a VPN running (and you should), it doesn’t protect you in all ways while downloading a torrent. You can still get spyware. So a VPN and Torrent Safe go hand in hand.
Use It For Streaming
Torrent Safe doesn’t just work for downloading, it can also work for streaming content. Once the download displays in “my downloads,” you can simply stream it right in Torrent Safe so that your personal data is never compromised. Your computer will never be at risk to anything malicious as the Torrent Safe layer protects you.
- No file size limits
- Superfast connection speeds
- Works across any device
- Stream or download
Torrent Safe offers two main packages for torrent users, the price is adjusted by the length of the subscription.
None of the subscriptions, including free, require a registration.
Torrent Safe is one of the top solutions for torrent download and streaming protection. If you want to safely stream or download torrent content, Torrent Safe offers an economical protective layer. It works well alongside a top VPN, but not as a VPN fully.
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